Book Arts

Boxing Up Treasures

Last weekend my wife and I attended a class at the University of Utah’s Book Arts Studio on how to make presentation boxes.  It was a class called “Boxing It Up” by Chris McAfee. 

The goal of the class was to teach you how to make a presentation box, or a box to store a book or some other collectable.  We were suppose to bring an object that we would want to save/store/preserve.  Anyway, we missed that instruction.  When we arrived, we were shown the process of designing the box.  We were then told to measure our objects and plan our boxes.  Great!  I didn’t bring anything.  Good thing I always carry my Leatherman multi-purpose tool and Maglite.  These became my objects to build my box around.  You can find instructions on how to build a Clamshell Box from Cornell.

Some of the book cloth that we had to choose from didn’t move me at the time, so I selected the black.  Mistake!  The black is not forgiving at all on any glue goobers.  The black cloth can also take on a shine if you are not careful in working the folds with your bone folder.

This design uses quite a bit of book board.  The box is quite heavy.  Over all, I enjoyed the class.  I would have liked a little more discussion on the where’s, why’s and how’s of designing a box.  The class was a little too unstructured for my taste.

Presentation Box
Presentation Box
Opening the Box
Opening the Box
Fully Open
Fully Open

Extreme Weather


Extreme Weather
Extreme Weather

Tuesday evening, June 2nd, we had a large thunderstorm roll through the area.  I thought that we were just in for a rain storm.  No!  It was a “pound your garden to pieces” storm with rain and hail.  The total precipitation from the storm was 1.63 inches of moisture.  In some parts of the valley there were home flooded.  We had so much hail that the down spouts from the roof looked like the ice dispenser at the 7-11.  The next day, some of the hail was still underneath the rain spout.

I have not checked the apples to see what kind of damage that they might have received.  They might be small enough that they have escaped, but I doubt it.


Ice Dispenser
Ice Dispenser