The results are back from the home brewing competition that the Bridger Brew Crew hosted. I sent in two beers. Both beers made it into the Best of Show round. My milk stout (or sweet stout) was selected as the Best of Show.
The results are back from the home brewing competition that the Bridger Brew Crew hosted. I sent in two beers. Both beers made it into the Best of Show round. My milk stout (or sweet stout) was selected as the Best of Show.
In a previous post I had mentioned using “bugs” in beer. That is not bugs as in “insects”, but other forms of yeast and bacteria rather than the normal brewers yeast. Beer is normally fermented with either a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ale yeast) or a strain of Saccharomyces pastorianus (lager yeast).
This year, National Homebrew Day falls on Saturday, May 1st 2010. The Cache Brewing Society is planning a get-together and brew session for that day. The AHA has some suggested recipes for the day, including: